Every year I forget that the Jewish near year begins in the fall…and then I’m reminded! It makes so much sense!! It should be the fall for all of us!!! The aliveness in the air. The sense of possibility!

I’m heavy into poetry right now. I’m flowing with it. 🤍

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Yes! 🙌 There is definitely something in the air!

What poetry are you reading? 👀

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I bought Mary Oliver Devotions (a collection of her work over the years) and I Heard God Laughing.

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Sep 16Liked by Arty Cweiber

Yes, the Fall, when the heat of the AZ desert begins to subside!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Arty Cweiber

Quite so, Caroline.

Except that in our planet's southern hemisphere, the Jewish new year begins in the *spring.*

And that too makes sense.

(It's just a different kind of sense.)

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Thank you

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Arty Cweiber

So, here's my problem, Arty.

I still have lots of unfinished Teshuva business that lingers on from the quickly waning 5784.

And I mean *lots*.

Yeah, I know. It's pretty shameful that I had 383 days this year to get my act together, and I still couldn't pull it off.

Well, how 'bout I keep going with that, and meanwhile I'll just put 5785 on my to-do list?

Will that work? It would be a huge help.

I'm not too familiar with this whole process. So thank you in advance for your clarification.

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Hmmm I’d say you have to ask your Rabbi that one Todd 🥸😇

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Arty Cweiber

Of course I realize, Arty, that women rabbis are not a thing in our circles. But given your extensive Jewish background and erudition, your wide-ranging knowledge of human affairs and the human condition, and your uncommon worldly perspicacity, I would consider your opinion on such questions at least as authoritative as any rabbi's -- if not even more so.

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Wow, I fear you may be thinking of someone else with those traits, but if you appoint me your rabbi then I’ll say yes. That’s totally fine. 😅 (Right, God?)

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Arty Cweiber

Good piece, Arty. You’ve offered so many insightful suggestions. I recently got a copy of Eckhart Tolle’s book, but I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. xo

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Thank you so much Thaissa! Let me know how you like it when you get to it!

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