May 19Liked by I Read This Over Shabbos

I also used to have the problem of too many books in progress and either finishing them very slowly or not at all. Eventually, I decided I was being unfair to the books by not dedicating myself to them, so I went to a different method. Now I read only two books at the same time, and I aim to read enough every day to get through most books (usually under 325 pages) in two weeks or less. For me, it’s been a formula for enjoying what I read more as well as for reading more books than ever. My new problem, however, is that my “to read” pile is ever growing!

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I love that Jon, I must start following a method similar to yours, I think it’s a great idea! The ever ending “to read” pile problem is real though… so many books, so little time!

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May 20Liked by I Read This Over Shabbos

I am glad you brought this up. There have been books I completed in one sitting - such as the Kite Runner (I read it on the return flight from Israel), or the Relic Master by Christopher Buckley and a number of YA books. And some books take me awhile to the point that I am struggling. What I've done is put those books aside with the intention of returning to them and start a new book or sometimes I go to my go-to books and re-read sections that I enjoyed, sort of like mind-candy.

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Yes! I am the same way. Some books need to be finished in a gulp and others require the slow savor or the bite size tastes. Have a great shabbos!

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May 19Liked by I Read This Over Shabbos

You are in my mind…currently treading through four books. Why?! Why can’t I just read one at a time and fully comment. We may need to submit ourselves for a study 🤣

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Haha, we definitely need to be studied. I just started The Secret History by Donna Tartt. What are you reading?

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May 24Liked by I Read This Over Shabbos

I'm reading the Age of Magical Overthinking (I LOVE IT) and Wellness!

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